Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rough Draft Maps of Virginia and South Carolina

Above are the maps showing the approximate locations of the contraband camps in Virginia and South Carolina. All states will be finished by this weekend and battle sites will be added. The next step is to create a scale or range showing the quality of life in each contraband camp. A topographic map will be added as well to draw conclusions about the quality of life.


  1. So far they look good Nancy! They are clear to read and I like the overall setup of everything. For your next draft maybe consider standardizing everything so the scale bars and north arrows are the same style for all the maps, and don't forget to add a citation.

  2. I really like what you've done with your maps! Using the majority of the page for your maps works perfectly to convey your maps' ideas.

    I agree with Amanda in keeping scale bar types and north arrow types consistent just to tie them together. Along with a citation, maybe add the purpose of correlating the cities locations to the contraband camp locations and rivers.

    I also might suggest adding a civil war railroad map as a layer to see if the railroad system played a role in contraband distribution during that time... if it applies to what you are trying to convey in this map.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Hi Nancy,

    Also, check your coordinate systems. It doesn't look like the north arrow on the Virginia map is actually pointing north.

    -Prof. M
